
CD Mastering

At Iman Studios, we can turn your demo into a more polished, commercial sounding record. This is done using subtle EQ, compression and limiting. For CD mastering we use the finest quality hardware to create a polished sound.

The mastering studio also has adequate mastering equalisers to make sure your CD has a flat frequency response and sounds great on any system. When you record at home your acoustics and monitors may not be up to scratch and you may make wrong decisions. We monitor on very high quality monitors in an acoustically-treated room and can make our EQ decisions with confidence. We also use a variety of high quality, analogue mastering compressors to even out the dynamics and make the audio louder and more exciting. We can go from transparent to dirty and in-your-face depending on the material.

Once your audio is sounding as good as it can we will burn a Red Book CD with ISRC codes and also print off a PQ sheet (required by duplication companies). Just bring in the unprocessed files on CD and we will process and deliver your mastered CD.